HHH’s National Board Certified Teachers were asked to share their certification experience and the impact the experience had in their classrooms. As there are several HHH members who are currently going through the certification process themselves or who are contemplating participating in the future, teachers also shared some advice for those members.

The HHHTA is proud to share these stories with the HHH Community!

1.  What prompted you to go through the process to become a NBCT?

I’ve always enjoyed attending conferences, workshops, and taking classes because I return to school inspired and revived. When the opportunity came about to become a Nationally Certified Teacher, I knew it would be a sure way to revamp my teaching practices and feel that sense of excitement that comes along with changing things up. I like being good at what I do, feeling confident in front of my students and knowing I’m making an impact. I genuinely wanted to be the best art teacher that I could be. I thought it would force me to approach teaching and learning in a whole new way, possibly a better way.

2. How did the certification process impact your classroom (ie: increase in parental involvement, improved teaching techniques, becoming more reflective)?

I am much more reflective than ever before. Due to the fact that the NBCT process involves writing and rewriting to prove that you are providing the most appropriate education experiences to students, I got very comfortable putting multiple “whys?” after everything I do. “Did that activity relate to the goals? Why?” Teachers trying to achieve NBCT have to demonstrate that they are accomplished many areas of education. I find myself constantly looking for new and more effective ways to reach all students and touch upon the ten standards. As educators, we often ramble off all of the other job titles or roles that go along with being a teacher like: mediator, personal, therapist, communications director, repair technician and so on. When I looked at the NBCT Standards I was overwhelmed at first. I thought to myself  “I have to wear all of the usual hats and make sure I am effective in all of these areas!” However, when I started dissecting the standards and relating them to what I do each day, I realized I was already teaching like a National Board Certified Teacher before ever learning about the process or standards. If you look at all of the aspects of education that we should be thinking about each time we step foot into a classroom it’s mind boggling! But good teachers do it everyday.

3. If you could give one piece of advice to someone going through the certification process, what would it be?

Give yourself time! Uninterrupted time so that you can plan, reflect, and think critically about your practice and your writing.  I went through this process when I had nothing but free time and I still had to pass up many opportunities to see friends and family on the weekends just to make sure I didn’t run out of time. I think if you are over extended, wait for a year when you have less responsibility so you can truly absorb what it is you are doing. Even though I had only been working towards becoming certified for a few months, it has had a profound impact on so much of what I do everyday. I think if I didn’t pass I still would have found the experience beneficial. It’s worth the hard work and dedication it takes if you have the time. This venture was exceptionally challenging for me, but tremendously worthwhile. It is a great accomplishment to strive for in our profession and anyone going for it should feel proud of themselves no matter what the outcome.