Local Stories

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Local Stories2017-10-25T16:23:51-04:00

Friends and Food by Gina Cortina

The HHHTA held its 3rd annual Walking Food Tour on Saturday, October 14, 2017.  The tour covered the Lower East Side of Manhattan and began on East Houston Street.  Our first stop was Yonah Shimmel's Knish Bakery. It opened in 1910 and is still going strong. Not only were the knishes delicious, on offer were also [...]

January 14th, 2018|

Superintendents’ Conference Day 2017 by Sarah Baptiste

The HHHTA joined many others in the HHH community in the welcoming of all members for the 2017-2018 school year!  The Public Relations/Membership team met over the summer to plan ahead for Superintendent's Conference Day, which was our team's first opportunity to make face-to-face contact with our members. We hosted a "Welcome Back" area at HSE [...]

January 14th, 2018|

Sunquam’s Got a Heart of Gold

This year Sunquam participated in the “Heart of Gold” Project for Pediatric Cancer. A former student from Sunquam Jordan Belous started this Heart of Gold program in the hopes of bringing awareness and having September GO GOLD similar to the support during October’s Pink for Breast Cancer. Jordan was in my second grade class in 2006 [...]

December 13th, 2016|
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