
Sarah Baptiste (Otsego) - LAP Coordinator

Gloria Cucinello (Vanderbilt)

Debra Rothar (HSE)

Richard Haase (Candlewood)

Lori Levine (Candlewood)

Patti Fox (HSW)

The Local Action Project is a unique, three-year program developed by NYSUT to help local unions increase member engagement, build community support to achieve results in providing quality public education, school budget votes and more. LAP has a track record of success in helping locals become highly effective by developing a strategic plan to move your local forward.

NYSUT launched LAP in 1994 to encourage locals to be engaged within their communities not only during contract talks, but on a continuing basis. LAP offers the opportunity to partner with NYSUT in developing a strategic plan to move unions forward. Locals selected to participate in LAP through a competitive application process receive training, resources and support from NYSUT throughout their three-year LAP commitment. Teams from each local learn proven strategies for increasing member engagement, building community support for key initiatives and achieving results in contracts, elections and more. They do all this while focusing on ensuring the highest quality public education for all students.